The 4th Cebu Photography Workshop is on! This time, it will be held on a more convenient weekend for Cebuanos – April 16, 17 & 18, 2010, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – to accommodate requests from folks who cannot leave work or school on weekdays. The daily workshops will be from 9am to 5pm.
Venue is the Sacred Heart Center along D. Jakosalem St. in Cebu City. The workshop fee of P5,500 includes meals for the 3-day event. FPPF photography instructors from Manila are flying in to Cebu for the workshop.
This workshop will cover DSLR camera operation and handling as well as understanding ISO, aperture and shutter speed and how they relate to correct exposure. The participants will also be taught how to master depth of field, understand how the camera meters, as well as lessons on composition, elements of design, lighting theory and practice and a comprehensive introduction to the digital imaging workflow. The lessons will be full of hands-on exercises using the DSLR camera. The lighting session will simulate studio photography, complete with studio strobes, for the participants to have an in-depth understanding of lighting principles.
The hands-on shoots will require participants to create photographs relevant to the lessons of the day. Critique sessions follow, wherein participants’ photos are evaluated for their technical and artistic merits.
Our organizer and contact person in Cebu is Mr. Icky Salazar of the Salazar College of Sciences & Institute of Technology (SCSIT). Filling out and sending the form below will send him an email with your information.
source: PhotoWorldManila